To Bharat or not?

Vaibhav Domkundwar linkedin

Let's define Bharat as Tier 2 - Tier 4 India. 100s of millions of users in this segment. So it's a large TAM.

The common concern: it's hard to build for Bharat, they don't pay, they don't have any money, they don't care about digitization, they are chalta-hai people.

The uncommon excitement: Bharat wants to learn like India, Bharat wants to live like India, Bharat wants to eat like India, Bharat wants to save time like India, Bharat has smartphones & data, Bharat is open for digitization if you see what happened during Covid, Bharat is ..<add more>.

At Better, we had been at this fork for a long time until we learnt from a few of our investments and decided that we do want "to Bharat" and believe it may be the next large opportunity for founders to build for. Of course, we could be 100% wrong.

Building for Bharat may need a radically different view than building for India and perhaps a Bharat-esque founding team that can empathize with the Bharat users to understand what to build for them.

Let's see.

ps: this is strictly within the context of entrepreneurship, venture investing, etc. only.